Hope for your friends who hate Muslims

missions-catalyst-muslims-1Shane Bennett of the Mission Catalyst blog has written an excellent post about how non-Muslims can relate to Muslims the Jesus way.  This is recommended reading for all Christians.  Shane begins his article with this:

"Care about Muslims, but find your buds not as passionate about them as you are? Probably few of your friends go so far as hating Muslims. Maybe they have some anger, a little animosity, or just some vague bad feelings. Maybe they think you're naive because you have Muslim friends or because you're not as mad about world events as they are. How can we respond to this tension with the love of Jesus, not the self-righteousness of the Pharisees? Is there a way we can humbly but tenaciously engage the debate?"

He presents 5 helpful strategies for diffusing fear and anger - in our friends as well as in ourselves.  Read the full article here.

Posted by permission of Mission Catalyst.

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